Seans Organization works with more than 1000 artists every year in Egypt, Dubai and Turkey.
The Seans Campus, providing full-board high-class accommodation for 550 artists, is where we produce our shows, rehearsing in professional studios and tailoring the shows to suit the various stages, where we then perfect our shows...
Anyone with a talent is welcome at our Campus. You'll find people at rehearsal, at canteen area or enjoying pool area in Seans Campus. Deciding on where and how to improve your career has become more competitive. Option range is getting narrower. However, Seans make it easier for their artists by giving them a family-like living space.
Seans Campus is able to accommodate 550 people with 6 building that located near Mediterranean Sea. Our campus has its own dining hall, laundry area, grocery store and many more options to come. Be that as it may, the reality is, nothing can compare to the full experience of on-campus life when it comes to its benefits like high seal rehearsal area and dance studios, free Wi-Fi, on-campus tailor that Seans provide for our artists.
Working to an aesthetically appealing backdrop may provide that welcome touch of inspiration when you live in friendly ambience, and relaxing is arguably easier and more fun.
Tale of Talents was established in London as a partner company of Seans Organization. The aim of this organization, in which more than 3000 artists are registered, is to meet the personnel needs of artists looking for work, as well as hotels, entertainment companies, circuses, cruise ships and theme parks looking for dancers, acrobats, musicians, animators and performance artists.
We Learn While Working at Seans Campus!
Our dancers from different countries of the world develop themselves and their skills by participating in dance workshops at Seans Campus in their spare time.